I guess I always loved LISTS...visual comparisons...charts and graphics that help me more clearly see WHAT it is I need to remember. As I've been doing my own personal Bible study on the Great Controversary (looking up key verses and points etc), I have also been formulating a list of characteristics that we're told in scripture will differentiate the SAVED from the LOST. This is by no means an exhaustive list (I'm still developing it as I study), but I thought I'd share it none the less by way of more inspiration.
One thing I know for sure is that those SAVED when Jesus comes back, will not be saved by accident...but because DECIDED EFFORT was made to KNOW GOD and to be RIGHT WITH GOD. Those that don't make effort can't expect to end up on the right side! Hmmm.....serious things to think about. (For more inspiring and enlightening study...I highly recommend readers to look up the references I've included after each characteristic!)
Those that are SAVED have the following characteristics
1. Have repented of sins and Confess Jesus as Lord with no other gods before Him. (Ex 20:3, I John 1:9, Rom 10:9)
2. Are poor in Spirit/destitute of self (Mt 5:3, Job 42:6 - Greek 4434)
3. Meek, Thirst after righteousness, Pure in Heart, Peacemakers (Matt 5:5-9)
4. Are overcomers and believe God and His Word at all cost and thru all circumstances (Rev 12:11, Rev 21:7, Rom 8:35-39, Mark 13:13)
5. Love and serve others, especially the least of these! (Matt 25:40, John 15:12,13)
6. Crucify the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life! (Gal 5:16)
7. Lay up treasures in Heaven (Matt 6:19,20)
8. Fear God and keep His commandments, faithful in little things. (Matt 7:21 & Ecl 12:13, Matt 25:21)
9. Rely on the Blood of the Lamb and Christ righteousness, knowing they are not saved by anything of themselves. (Eph 2:8-9, Rev 12:11)
10. KNOW GOD and have an intimate relationship with Him. (Jer 24:7 God will give us a heart to know Him if we ask!! Jer 31:34, Titus 1:16)
Those that will be LOST have the following characteristics
1. Delight in sin and deny that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Isa 66:3-4, Mic 3:2-4 & I John 2:22) Or Profess to know God, but whose life and works deny God (Titus 1:16)
2. Proud, lofty, high minded and full of SELF, blinded from truth (II Cor 4:4, Isa 2:12,17)
3. Those that are vile, love darkness rather than light, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters, liars, false witness, those that sow discord among others and are quick to get into mischief and strife, those that shed innocent blood, those who have sold their lives, hearts and soul to the "false belief system of the world" and have become drunk with the blood of error and apostasy!
(Prov 6:16-19, II Thes 2:10-11, John 3:19, Rev 14:8, & 21:8)
4. Fearful and of little faith -They have no backbone for right, and give way under tribulation. (Matt 13:20,21 Rev 6:15-17)
5. Ignore the hungry cries of humanity, despise the thirsty, shun the stranger, mock the naked, turn away from the sick, forget those in prison. In other words, only look out for their own self interest. (Matt 25:41-46)
6. Walk after the flesh and gratify the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. (Gen 3:6, I John 2:16)
7. Preoccupied and consumed by the cares of this life and laying up treasures on Earth. (Matt 13:22 & James 5:3, Rev 3:17)
8. Transgress the law of God with no regret, not faithful in little things. (I John 3:4, Matt 25:24-30)
9. Negate Christ’s sacrifice and seek to gain salvation by their own good works. Wearing their own righteousness (wedding garment) rather than Christ’s. (Matt 22:11-13)
10. Do not KNOW GOD personally...and He does not know them! (Matt 7:23, Matt 25:12
Can you imagine living your whole life in comfortable Christianity, avoiding the evil crowds, and going to church...being who you thought was a good person....basically. And then Jesus coming back to take His people home...and you are LEFT BEHIND! "But wait, wait Jesus! Did you forget me? Aren't I going too?" you cry. And Jesus sadly answers... "I don't know you...you may have done many good things and avoided many bad things...but you never studied to REALLY KNOW ME!"
What heartbreaking anguish that would be! But it's nothing to take lightly, for we are told that this WILL BE the story of many professed Christians at the end of time.
"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matt 7:21-23