Saturday, October 13, 2007

Mountain tops, Meetings and Toe trucks...

Well, I've a few things to catch everyone up on, don't I? Probably after the last post I have a few people in suspense. Suspense is fun though, right?! :-) To put it mildly, this week has been very interesting...but let me back up and re-cap the events in order.

Sunday: I worked Sunday...Sunday's are always quiet at the hospital it seems, as there are less staff, less procedures, and less activities in general. But not this Sunday. It was chaotic...the moment I had one emergency solved, I had another in the making. I'll spare everyone the details for sake of time. Over all though, this contract has been much more enjoyable than the last. I know all the doctor's by face and name now....and even signature (most of the time) and I'm well versed on the procedures and routines. (Being a traveler always makes things a little shaky in that area the first couple months!) So it's been good!

Monday through Wednesday: I actually had 3 days off in a row! This is rare, so it was a real treat. Took some extra time for more in depth study and prayer (about CCBN's future), and also was able to get a few more loose ends of my life in order. Now if they'd only STAY in order!! ;-)

Wednesday: My dream came true once that I got to climb another mountain! (If you can't tell, I love climbing mountains! I think it's at the TOP of my list of hobbies! (Pun intended!) And yes, Whitney is still HIGH on my agenda as well...hopefully for next summer!) Anyway, this time it was Mt. Gorgonio...the tallest in the area here, at 11,500 feet. It was a 17 mile round trip...and once again, my lovely hiking partner was Jen! We had a great time, and the scenery was beautiful. The only complicating factor was that we had an important Creator's Call appointment that evening (the one where we were talking about possibly buying a TV station) and so had to rush down. And thus we literally RAN down the mountain! (Thankfully I had hiking poles, or my knees would have been in real bad shape!) We started hiking at 6:30 am and we're off the mountain by you can tell we were rushing! When we got to the bottom, my feet were really hurting, and I figured I had a few good blisters. But as it turned out, I'd massively bruised my toe-nail beds...and a couple of my toe nails were turning purple! (Ahhhhh yaaa yaaa! What am I to do?!) I ignored the pain, and we took off for our important meeting.

The Big Meeting: Yes, I'm happy to report that the big meeting regarding CCBN expanding into actual Television broadcast went well!! Should I leave it at that...or would that be keeping everyone in suspense again? :-) Well...we didn't come to any conclusions...but we could definitely see God's hand in the meeting. We don't know if God will lead us to pursue buying this station or if He has other plans. However, one exciting thing is that the owners do want to work with us, and are willing to give us "air time" right now...whether we buy the station or not. So that's a huge start!! I also found it interesting that the owner confided in us, at the close of our meeting, that they don't think our meeting is just by chance...but God ordained, and THEY insisted that we meet again this next week to talk further! (Yes, sometimes I still wonder....Faith versus do these two play out when it comes to pressing forward for big things for God? Have we done the best with what we have? Is God really leading us to take such a big step, or is it our own pride pushing the way? Whatever the case, I know He still has a lot to teach us, and I just pray that we stay surrendered to Him and seeking His will, not just our own! Please pray that God will direct us and make His plan clear!!!! And I'll keep everyone posted with what details I am free to share.)

I need a "Toe-truck"! Well, it's not the first time I've injured my feet and I'm sure it wont be the last! Back to those swollen toes...while a small matter to worry about, they become a big thing to worry about when you can't sleep because they are throbbing so badly! (Melody - what did you go and do to yourself this time?!!!) The pain was sooo bad, even with ice and Ibuprofen, I slept very little Wednesday night. Unfortunately, Thursday and Friday I was scheduled to what was I to do but go to work and pray for strength to endure. It was a pretty tough day for me and by evening I was limping as the pressure and pain was so bad. Thankfully, I have a doctor friend here that was willing to help, so after work I went to see him. His treatment basically consisted of drilling holes in the top of four of my toe-nails to relieve the build-up of fluid and pressure! (It sounds scary, but it really wasn't bad...and if this ever happens again, I think I'll actually be brave enough to do the procedure myself!) We joked about taking pictures of the process so I could post them on my blog ;-) but I figured that might gross everyone I didn't do that! My toes did feel much much better after that, and Thursday night I slept much better! However, I still had to work Friday. Since I was feeling so much better, I figured I'd be fine...but after being on my feet all day, my feet were throbbing again. And one big toe in particular was hot and inflamed and rebelling majorly! (So the saga continues! I've had it wrapped in a charcoal poultice most of the day, and that seems to have helped decrease the swelling some, but I have a feeling that this toe isn't done talking to me. So pray for it...and me, as well!)

Oh my...there is sooo much more I want to some new exciting events that have been happening in our family some cool thoughts I got from reading "Saved to Serve" from Ministry of Healing for my devotions this things we talked about in the lesson study new adventures we are planning...but, as usual there's never enough time. And once again, I am suppose to work guess for now, I'll have to bring this to a close and keep everyone in suspense... ;-)

Until next time...Melodious thoughts to be carried on!

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