It's been awhile since I've gone on a date...I think the last one was with Dad back at Father's Day weekend!
Well, there happens to be a certain friend of mine that I care a lot about...however, it seems like we haven't had a lot of time to talk or hang out for awhile! (I'm a big quality time person!) So a couple days ago I thought I'd do something about it! "MaryAnn? Do you think you'd have time in your schedule for us to go out on a M&M date together?" (If you haven't figured out yet, M&M stands for MaryAnn and Melody, and while we don't usually eat a lot of M&M's....they've kinda become our own little code name!) Well...thankfully, MaryAnn said she would have time....so once my day off came (today), I set to work!
MaryAnn had no idea what I had up my sleeve...as it turned out, it was actually a picnic in her living room! (I told her she had to use her imagination and pretend it was some exquisite restaurant somewhere!!) As to be expected, we had a wonderful time! While the food was great, I think the heart-to-heart talk was the best! Thanks MaryAnn!
And yes...we still had M&M's left over! So there will be more for another time...
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