This past Sabbath was spent as a SPECIAL DAY of Prayer and Fasting! "What for?" You might ask. Well, it was for three things specifically. One: Praying to have greater Surrender to God in every area of our lives. Two: Praying to be cleansed from all sin in our lives. And Three: Praying to be more effective witnesses for God. What a powerful combo!!
After church a group of us young adults and believers from Sabbath school (Advent Hope) met at the beautiful home of Hany and Grace. There we had four hours for prayer, praise and inspiration followed by a sundown Agape Supper to break the day long fast. As you will see by the following pictures, we did a lot of singing. (I got to help organize this aspect of the program which was a real delight. I was also blessed to have a great group to work with and sing with!) Then we did a lot of praying...and we were blessed by some wonderful words of inspiration and challenge - given by Tim (pictured below), as well as Mike and Dave. I'm estimating that we had between 30-40 people altogether. While it was a great group, I was kinda disappointed that we didn't have more in attendance. But God knows our needs...
As a recent speaker raised the question..."How many of us are praying/pleading on our knees with God to be right with Him, and begging Him to hurry up and come back? Not as many as should be? Why? Because...frankly we don't want him to come back. Too many of us are just way to comfortable with the life He's given us and the way things are...We have no reason to rush things..."
I have to admit I have too often been that way as well! (And maybe still am!) One thing I'm realizing more and more though is my Great Lack and my Great Need...to not only "Have a broken heart for Jesus and the needs of those around me...but a broken heart that can think ONLY of hastening His return!" And I can't make that happen of my own self and determination...for all my strivings only count for loss. (Just filthy rags!) It's only He that can enable me to have that heart...And I praise Him that He will!!!
Yes, the "Day of Prayer and Fasting" as a group was a real blessing in more ways than one. I'm thankful to be around young adults my age that really care about making their lives right with God and are really praying for His return. I don't know how long I'll be here...but while I am here, I will be thankful!
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